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Shea Lemar

Shea Lemar

Job title
Director, Geospatial Research and Solutions
Faculty Associate, Master of Advanced Study in GIS (MAS-GIS)
Phone number

As director, Shea provides GIS consultation to students, faculty, staff and private organizations as well as GIS data management, spatial analysis and project management. Her background includes extensive experience in development of GIS for businesses, data collection, GPS, process optimization and project management (both research based and applied).

She also excels in spatial analysis, map creation, technical documentation and training, and teaches graduate and master's level classes at ASU in applied GIS, particularly in the MAS-GIS program, where she is a Faculty Associate.

Shea has a fondness for educational outreach involving GIS, is an active member of the AGIC Conference Committee and received the 2010 AGIC President's Volunteer Award.